Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street seriesre

Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street seriesre
Rescued Dogs' Stories

Saturday, May 27, 2023

What did a doctor say to you that they should not have?

 I found this on Quora and answered there but also decided to share it here:

I went for a check-up as I had been on the same diuretic for 21 years - different ones tried to be used as new pills came available, but with all my allergies, I could only tolerate the old one. 

Several factors happened around the same time. The office switched from paper to computer files, and this doctor was young and full of himself. He greeted me with I am discontinuing your diuretic and giving you another, and I said no - that one and all the others tried in the past fifteen years made me ill. He said I will write a script, and he named what I said that made me sick.

Without allowing a rebut, he then said to me, “Now that you are 70, I am going to put you on a regimen of aspirin.” 

I said, “Why are you trying to kill me? I am highly allergic to aspirin.” 

He said it is not listed and read out the others. I said to add it - your transcriber left it out thinking, “No one is allergic to aspirin, and left it off my chart” 

(I complained to the doctor in charge and said you should check your files for errors.) Anyway, I refused to follow up with the doctor and refused his prescription. 

I looked into alternative methods of dealing with the lymphedema, and seven years later, as of the 70 quips by a doctor no longer in that office, my lymphedema inflammation is under control through clean eating and sound therapy. 

And with those changes, I lost 125 pounds. Inadvertently a doctor who was prescribing by age bias did me a favor. I am back to my full range of ability with my limbs and heading for 78. I look younger, but most importantly, my body is back to working as it did in my 20s. Yes, I do also walk a couple miles per day.

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