Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street seriesre

Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street seriesre
Rescued Dogs' Stories

Monday, November 10, 2014

Where it began: Last Sight

Where it began: Last Sight: Why have all prison transports such lousy suspensions  Jerry thought to himself as the retro-fit yellow school bus bounced him around...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Unwritten: 30 Days of Thankfulness + Big Giveaway #5

Unwritten: 30 Days of Thankfulness + Big Giveaway #5: Welcome to November and Unwritten's next BIG event, 30 Days of Thankfulness, featuring a tremendous giveaway that will be PERFECT for a ...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Unwritten: 30 Days of Thankfulness + Big Giveaway #2

Unwritten: 30 Days of Thankfulness + Big Giveaway #2: Welcome to November and Unwritten's next BIG event, 30 Days of Thankfulness, featuring a tremendous giveaway that will be PERFECT for a ...

Sunday, November 2, 2014