Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street seriesre

Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street seriesre
Rescued Dogs' Stories

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Come in...Sit down....Tell us about...

News we are excited to share is posted to the right of this opening to this weeks meeting of our fellow authors. BookBlog approved our blog as being a viable one to be added into their circle.  This is great news because it opens up more avenues where you will be noticed, you will pick up new friends and readers.  I ask only that you come and be yourself, talk about you, your books, your WIPS.  Feel free to ask your friends to drop by too - our portal is always open.

Now, you were saying.....

Saturday, October 22, 2011


We've gone through our first week of guests dropping in and telling us about their latest projects and I've sent those links off to join Google plus.   We've plumped the pillows and straighten out the books and our doors are open for our next set of guests....